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Our Story

Who We Are & What We Do

Every troop has four basic elements.  The Scouts, the Scoutmaster corps (the Scoutmaster and his assistants), the troop committee, and the chartered organization (and its representative).

Scout Leadership

The Troop is run by the Troop's Youth Leaders.  With the guidance of the Scoutmaster and Assistants, they plan the program, conduct troop meetings, and provide leadership among their peers.  Within their Patrols the female Scouts learn skills, take on leadership responsibilities and develop friendships that will last a lifetime.


Currently, our Scouts in Troop 1176 are getting to know one another and their own strengths.  Soon they will be ready to split up into Patrols and will vote for their Youth Troop and Patrol leadership.  Some Troop and Patrol Scout leadership positions available are:

Patrol Leadership

Patrol Leader

Assistant Patrol Leader

Patrol Scribe

Patrol Quatermaster

Patrol Grubmaster

Patrol Cheermaster



Other Leadership

Senior Patrol Leader

Troop Scribe

Troop Guide

Den Chief


Outdoor Ethics Guide

Patrol Leader's Council

Senior Patrol Leader

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader

Patrol Leaders

Troop Guide

Troop Scribe


The patrol leaders’ council plans the yearly troop program at the annual planning conference.  It then meets monthly to fine-tune the plans for the upcoming month.


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